ABP World Group is a Global Security and Child Recovery Organization
Risk Management – ABP World Group has during several years developed a solid worldwide network with personnel experienced in security and emergency services in both operative and administrative areas. Our personnel have comprehensive experience from the military and/or police force. ABP personnel rely on extensive and close collaboration with the client as well as on external affiliates where the premises for our assignments are set by the client. In our experience, good results are achieved through dialogue, collaboration, mutual respect and careful planning. ABP is therefore able to assist local and international companies with security and emergency services.
ABP offers assessments based on collection of intelligence information. This may concern intelligence on various groups that at the present time state a threat to the society.
We live in a dynamic world with floating boarders and, unfortunately, it’s a well known fact that an increasing number of extremists travel globally to gain the expertise necessary for terrorist activities and in doing so, creating sub groups within larger organizations.
ABP deems it extremely important that the focus not only lies with the host country of a particular installation, but also on neighboring countries and any subversive groups they may contain. There are may examples of groups/persons crossing borders in order to carry out terrorist activities on installations in a neighboring country. Gathering information on these eventualities is important in order to complete a risk analysis and put counter measures in place.
- Situation reports
- Risk assessment
- Object security
- Establishing a security system
- Screening of personnel
- Implementation and execution of emergency exercises
- Evacuation protocol
- Instruction and training of local manpower
- Short and long term event based measures